Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cosine Theorem

Cosine theorem is similar to the sine theorem. Cosine theorem is based on Pythagorean Theorem. Cosine theorem is derived from right angled triangle.

Equation for cosine theorem is: c2 = a2+b2-2abCosC

Where a,b,c are constants and C is the degree value.

Types of Cosine Theorem

There are three types of cosine theorems:

  • Theorem of plane trigonometry.
  • Angle cosine theorem or rule of spherical trigonometry.
  • Cosine theorem or rule for sides
The cosine theorem of plane trigonometry:

Below statement states if a, b, c is sides and α, β, γ is angles of a triangle, then any one side square is equal to addition of squares of other two sides less twice the product of those sides and the cosine of the angle they include.

a2 = b2 + c 2 - 2bc cos α
b2 = c2 + a 2 - 2ca cos β
c2 = a2 + b 2 - 2ab cos γ

Plane trigonometry theorem used to solve a triangle if the three side value of triangle is given or two sides and included angles are given.

Angle cosine theorem (rule) of spherical trigonometry

cos α = - cos β cos γ 2 + sin β sin γ cos a
cos β = - cos γ cos α2 + sin γ sin α cos b
cos γ = - cos α cos β2 + sin α sin β cos c

Above statement states if a, b, and c is the sides and α, β and γ is angles of a spherical triangle.

Cosine theorem (rule) for sides of spherical triangle

Below statement states if a, b, c is sides and α, β, γ is angles of a spherical triangle, then
angle cosine rule can be used if three angles of spherical triangle are given or one side and two adjacent angles are given.

cos a = - cos b cos c2 + sin b sin c cos α
cos b = - cos c cos a2 + sin c sin a cos β
cos c = - cos a cos b2 + sin a sin b cos γ

Cosine rule for sides of spherical triangle can be used if three sides or two sides and the included angle are given.

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