Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Learning Cuboid

In our earlier grades like 7th and 8th, we learnt about surface areas and volumes of various solids like Cuboid, Cube, Right circular cylinder, right circulur cone, sphere, etc.

Here we shall have a brief review of Cuboid.

A Cuboid is a box shaped object which has six flat sides and all angles are right angles. It is also a prism because it has same cross section along a length. In fact it is a Rectangular Prism.

Volume and Surface area


The volume of a Cuboid is obtained by the below formula.

Volume = Height*Width*Length

V = H*W*L


The surface area of a cuboid is obtained by the below formula:-

Surface area = 2WL+2LH+2HW

Let us try to understand this with the help of the below example.

Example 1:- Find the Volume and surface area of a Cuboid whose Height is 5cms, Width is 6cms and length is


Finding Volume

Volume = Height*Width*Length

V = H*W*L

V = 5*6*11

V = 330

Hence the Volume of the Cuboid is 330 cms.

Finding Surface Area

A = 2WL+2LH+2HW

A = (2*6*11) + (2*11*5) + 2*5*6

A = 132 + 110 + 60

A = 302cms.

Hence the Surface Area of the Cuboid is 302cms.

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