Thursday, August 19, 2010

Math is a Game

Generally geometry tutor are defined as tutors those who handling the geometry. In ancient Greek, GEO-earth and Metria-measurement. They are combined together and called as geometry.

The things which are needed to work geometry is

1 .Graph

2. Protractor

3. Compass

Generally geometry consists of,

1. Basic terms

2. Angles

3. Pictures of polygons

4. Coordinates and similar figures

5. Space figures and basic solids

Now here we can see in detail about the geometry tutor,

  1. By keeping in mind that geometry is a tangible subject, tutors need to break down the geometry concepts for a students and always use a visual to explain concepts.
  2. Tutors should use both good and bad examples to explain the concept. Tutors must check whether students able to find the correct answers.
  3. Students should be questioned by the tutors for each and every unit.
  4. Tutors should ask the students to create his own concepts and definitions.
  5. Tutors should teach to the students according to their interest.
  6. Gain free Math Knowledge

Also you can follow my blogs for solving math problems. I hope this was useful.

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