Sunday, January 16, 2011


The study of Square roots comes under Arithmetic under Math. Square roots are the calculation of the number when multiplied with itself would result in the number.
For example: Square root of 4 is 2 as 2*2 =4
Square root of 25 is 5 as 5*5 =25

The Square root symbol is used for notation of the calculation of the square root of a number. The Square root symbol is 'v' shaped with the right arm being longer and over the number whose root is to be calculated.

The numbers can be of two types:
  • Perfect squares
  • Imperfect squares
Perfect squares often result in a whole number as an answer. Like square root of 64 is 8. (8*8)
Imperfect squares have fractional or decimal values as the answers. Like square root of 3 is 1.73.

Also you can follow my blogs for solving square roots . I hope this was useful.

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